Dorje Shugden - Der Weisheitsbuddha-Beschützer der Tradition Je Tsongkhapas
Spirituelle Überlieferungslinie
Je Tsongkhapa
Wisdom Buddha
Dorje Shugden
Pabongkha Rinpoche
Trijang Rinpoche
Song Rinpoche
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
(born 1931)
Short Prayers to Dorje Shugden
This practice is a method for relying upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. Through this, we can overcome obstacles to our practice and create favourable conditions so that we can nurture and increase our Dharma realizations. If we rely upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden sincerely, our faith in Je Tsongkhapa will naturally increase and we will easily gain experience of the pure Buddhadharma.
Going for refuge
I and all sentient beings, until we achieve enlightenment,
Go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. (3x)
Generating bodhichitta
Through the virtues I collect by giving and other perfections,
May I become a Buddha for the benefit of all. (3x)
Inviting Dorje Shugdän and his retinue
I have the clarity of the Yidam.
Before me in the centre of red and black fire and wind,
On a lotus and sun, trampling demons and obstructors,
Is a terrifying lion, which is powerful and alert.
Upon this sits the great king Dorje Shugdän,
The supreme Heart Jewel of Dharma Protectors.
His body is clothed in the garments of a monk,
And on his head he wears a round, yellow hat.
His hands hold a sword and a heart of compassion.
To his followers he shows an expression of delight,
But to subdue demons and obstructors he displays a wrathful manner.
He is surrounded by a vast, assembled retinue,
Such as his attendant Khache Marpo and so forth.
Light rays from my heart instantly invite the wisdom beings from the sphere of nature, and from all the different palaces where they abide. They become inseparable from the commitment beings.
Making offerings and requests
Respectfully I prostrate with body, speech, and mind.
I offer a mass of inner and outer offerings, blissful tormas,
Alcohol, tea, cakes, milk, and curd,
Both actually set out and mentally imagined, filling the whole of space.
Commitment, fulfilling, reliance, and appropriate substances,
Outer, inner, secret, attractive, and cleansing offerings, filling the whole of space,
I offer these to the entire assembly;
May I fulfil the heart commitment and restore my broken commitments.
All my harmful thoughts and actions
Which have offended your mind, O Great Protector,
I confess from the depths of my heart.
Please purify them swiftly, and care for me with love, like a mother for her child.
I beseech you from the depths of my heart, O Supreme Deity,
Please cause the tradition of Je Tsongkhapa to flourish,
Extend the life and activities of the glorious Gurus,
And increase the study and practice of Dharma within the Dharma communities.
Please be with me always like the shadow of my body,
And grant me your unwavering care and protection.
Destroy all obstacles and adverse conditions,
Bestow favourable conditions, and fulfil all my wishes.
Now is the time to show clearly your versatile strength
Through your four actions, which are swift, incisive, and unobstructed,
To fulfil quickly my special heartfelt desires
In accordance with my wishes;
Now is the time to distinguish the truth and falsity of actions and effects;
Now is the time to dispel false accusations against the innocent;
Now is the time to protect the pitiful and protectorless;
Now is the time to protect Dharma practitioners as your children.
In short, from now until I attain the essence of enlightenment,
I shall honour you as the embodiment of my Guru, Deity, and Protector.
Therefore please watch over me during the three periods of the day and the night
And never waver in your actions as my Protector.
Requesting the fulfilment of wishes
Whenever your followers with commitments
Request any of the four actions,
Swiftly, incisively, and without delay, you show signs for all to see;
So please accomplish the actions that I now request of you.
The stainless sun of Je Tsongkhapa's tradition
Shines throughout the sky of samsara and nirvana,
Eliminating the darkness of inferior and wrong paths;
Please cause its light to spread and bring good fortune to all living beings.
May the glorious Gurus who uphold this tradition
Have indestructible lives, as stable as the supreme victory banner;
May they send down a rain of deeds fulfilling the wishes of disciples,
So that Je Tsongkhapa's doctrine will flourish.
Through increasing the study, practice, pure discipline, and harmony
Of the communities who uphold the stainless doctrine of Buddha,
And who keep moral discipline with pure minds,
Please cause the Gedän tradition to increase like a waxing moon.
Through your actions please fulfil the essential wishes
Of all practitioners who uphold the victory banner
Of practising single-pointedly the stages of the paths of Sutra and Tantra,
The essence of all the teachings they have heard.
Beings throughout this great earth are engaged in different actions
Of Dharma, non-Dharma, happiness, suffering, cause and effect;
Through your skilful deeds of preventing and nurturing,
Please lead all beings into the good path to ultimate happiness.
In particular, please destroy the obstacles and unfavourable conditions
Of myself and other practitioners.
Increase our lives, our merit, and our resources,
And gather all things animate and inanimate to be freely enjoyed.
Please be with me always like the shadow of my body,
And care for me always like a friend,
By accomplishing swiftly whatever I wish for,
And whatever I ask of you.
Please perform immediately, without delaying for a year, or even for a month,
Appropriate actions to eliminate all obstacles
Caused by misguided beings with harmful minds who try to destroy Je Tsongkhapa's doctrine,
And especially by those who try to harm practitioners.
Please remain in this place always, surrounded by most excellent enjoyments.
As my guest, partake continuously of tormas and offerings;
And since you are entrusted with the protection of human wealth and enjoyments,
Never waver as my guardian throughout the day and the night.
All the attainments I desire
Arise from merely remembering you.
O Wishfulfilling Jewel, Protector of the Dharma,
Please accomplish all my wishes. (3x)
By this virtue may I quickly
Attain the enlightened state of the Guru,
And then lead every living being
Without exception to that ground.
Through my virtues from practising with pure motivation,
May all living beings throughout all their lives
Never be parted from peaceful and wrathful Manjushri,
But always come under their care.
Politischer Führer
Dalai Lama
Die Heuchelei
Verfolgen Sie die Geschichte der dreißigjährigen politischen Kampagne des Dalai Lama, eine jahrhunderalte spirituelle Tradition zu zerstören, die ihm von seinem eigenen spirituellen Meister gelehrt wurde, und ebenso die Bemühungen derjenigen, die durch ihn verletzt werden, ihn zu stoppen:
Kurze Zusammenfassung
- Was geschieht hier?
- Detaillierte Berichte über Diskriminierungen aus Indien
Die Position des Dalai Lama
- Lobpreisung des Weisheit-Buddhas Dorje Shugden durch den Dalai Lama
- In den Worten des Dalai Lamas
Warum geschieht es?
- Warum findet diese religiöse Unterdrückung statt?
- Sind die Gründe des Dalai Lama gültig?
Bemühungen, religiöse Freiheit wiederherzustellen
- Geshe Kelsangs Offener Brief
- Das Verbot ist rechtswidrig und verfassungswidrig
- Presseberichte und Videos
- Dalai Lama für Unterdrückung der Religionsfreiheit angeklagt
- Ein Konflikt mit einer Lösung
Analyse der Situation
- Geshe Kelsangs Stellungnahme zu Sektierertum
- Kann der Dalai Lama jemals einen Fehler machen?
- Ist der Dalai Lama der einzige spirituelle Führer im tibetischen Buddhismus?
- Theokratie oder Demokratie?
- Geisterverehrung oder authentische buddhistische Praxis?
- Freiheit der Religionsausübung
- Die Rechtfertigungen des Dalai Lama
- Was würde Thomas Jefferson über den 14. Dalai Lama denken?
Beweismaterial und Berichte aus erster Hand
- Chronologischer Hintergrund
- Dokumentation über Zwist im Exil
- Politische Motivationen für das Verbot
- Zusammenfassung bis heute von Exil-Tibetern
Anhaltende Verfolgung 2008
- Jüngste Stöckchen-Abstimmung und Ruf nach Hilfe
- Erzwungene Unterschriften und Identitätsausweis-Kampagne
- Verfolgung von Mönchen an den Sera-Klöstern
- Öffentliche Erniedrigung und Ausschluss von Mönchen
- Brief an den indischen Premierminister bezüglich Rechtsverstöße
- Brief von Dorje Shugden-Anhängern
- Dringender Apell von den Sera-Klöstern
- Unterstützung durch die indische Polizei
- Brief der Western Shugden Society an die Sera-Klöster
- Von Herzen kommende Bitte von Mönchen in Mundgod
- Weitere Diskriminierungen auf der ganzen Welt geplant
Verwandte Seiten
1. Western Shugden Society (deutsch)
2. Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden Blog (englisch)
4. (englisch)